Knowing how to perform effective First Aid is a key life skill. 140,000 lives are lost every year because people did not know how to carry out first aid. This is the same number of people that die every year from cancer. 

We can arrange First Aid training for you, in-house at any venue in the UK. 

Please contact us to arrange dates and times. 

First Aid at Work 

First Aid at Work Certificate 

£180 + VAT

A 3 day HSE-approved course for employees in workplaces required to provide fully-trained first-aiders.

First Aid at Work Revalidation 

£110 + VAT

A 12 hour HSE-approved course for employees required to maintain the currency of their First Aid at Work Certificate

Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate 

£75 + VAT

A 6 hour HSE-approved course for employees required to act as first aiders in low risk workplaces that do not require the full 3 day qualification.

Appointed Person Certificate 

£55 + VAT

A 4 hour course that covers how to manage first aid arrangements, including looking after the equipment and facilities and calling the emergency services when required.

Paediatric First Aid 

Emergency First Aid for Sport Certificate

£85 + VAT

An 8 hour first aid course designed for people who coach sports. This course includes the 6 hour Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate.

Paediatric First Aid Certificate 

£110 + VAT

A 12 hour first aid qualification specifically aimed at hose who may be require to provide life support to children and babies.

Paediatric First Aid Foundation Certificate 

£75 + VAT

A 6 hour course covering basic life support for babies and children.

We also deliver pool plant courses. Learn more.

First Aid for Sport 

Paediatric First Aid Certificate 

£110 + VAT

A 12 hour first aid qualification specifically aimed at hose who may be require to provide life support to children and babies.

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